Friday, July 26, 2024

Five songs in it looks like Colonizing the Cosmos is putting together a new album

By Henry Lipput

Back in 2010 I saw the Pittsburgh indie pop band Colonizing the Cosmos at a fundraiser for a local public radio station. I was knocked out and bought their latest album, The First Frontier, on the spot. It was my favorite album of the year.

Since then the band hasn't done much according to their Bandcamp page. But in October of last year the band released the wonderful “So Robo” a love song to the voice on a robo call. Yeah it’s a weird topic for a song but it has the bouncy, futuristic sound of The Final Frontier.

Last year also came “Made Up” and “Eyes Like A Swan” and two more singles arrived on Bandcamp this year (“Buzzards Bay” and “Clean Up”). When I saw the band in 2010 it was a full line up with horns and everything. Currently the band consists of Josh Moyer and Michael Savinsky but they’re still making a joyful noise. And with five songs under their belt it looks as if we might actually have their first new album since 2013'sThe House of War is the House of Peace.. And I for one can’t wait.

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